Thursday, May 29, 2008

the reason why you're single

in response to mr.weng's post here:

dear mr.weng,

Please do not blame me for your lack of gf. I was just being and honest and mean friend. Besides, I am sure that there are still many not-so-superficial girls who wouldn't care less about how lala or how ugly or how messy you look. It doesn't matter either that you're sometimes annoying and incredibly blur as well. After all, it's the inner beauty that counts right?

And being you're not really appreciated friend, i forgive you for all your faults,

including your tendency to be a damn poser, your lame jokes, being a lousy drinker (eg. getting drunk on tea), as well as not knowing my actual height even after being my classmate and collegemate for 3 years. I understand that you have been under alot of stress and pressure to protect yourself for any future Father's Day celebrations in you life.

And for the record, you're so darn perverted sometimes that i'm pretty sure you're not gay. At least not 100% anyway. So, knowing full well your faults and strengths, go ahead and find yourself a girlfriend to bring home to your mum. Remember to use protection! But then again, I'm sure your mum will be happy to start toddling her grandkids while you're away studying your ass off in Aussie (not so sure about your gf though). I wish you the best of luck in 'finding other fishes in the sea'.

Btw, in case you haven't notice, you're 'sea' is extremely polluted. Some mutations may have occured. Do not date a back-biting shark. I hope your desperation has yet to reach that level. All the best~~

Yours truly,

-your ego buster-

ps. hanging out with you is fun. blehhhhhhhh!

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