Monday, November 3, 2008

The Little Things

A smile, a nod, a wave
A call, an e-mail, a video
A card and a short letter
A small pressed rose...

"We may not be the first on your mind, nor are we always there for you.
But rest assured, we've got your back

I got your mail. It feels good to be reminded that sometimes, its the little things in life that matters. Thank you for reminding me of that today. Hope you're doing well there as well. I heart you guys, really.

I'll update this time. Promise. LOL


A Little Advice On Life From Kids:-

"Never trust a dog to watch your food." Patrick, age 10

"When your dad is mad and asks you, "Do I look stupid? don't answer." Hannah, 9

"Never tell your mom her diet's not working." Michael, 14

"Stay away from prunes." Randy, 9

"Never pee on an electric fence." Robert, 13

"Don't squat with your spurs on." Noronha, 13

"Don't pull dad's finger when he tells you to." Emily, 10

"When your mom is mad at your dad, don't let her brush your hair." Taylia,11

"Never allow your three-year old brother in the same room as your school assignment." Traci, 14

"Don't sneeze in front of mum when you're eating crackers." Mitchell,12

"Puppies still have bad breath even after eating a Tic-Tac." Andrew, 9

"Never hold a dust buster and a cat at the same time." Kyoyo, 9

"You can't hide a piece of broccoli in a glass of milk." Armir, 9

"Don't wear polka-dot underwear under white shorts." Kellie, 11

"If you want a kitten, start out by asking for a horse." Naomi, 12

"Felt markers are not good to use as lipstick." Lauren, 9

"Don't pick on your sister when she's holding a baseball bat." Joel,10

"When you get a bad grade in school, show it to your mom when she's on the phone." Alyesha, 13

"Never try to baptize a cat." Eileen, 8

-random email-

Here's an advice of my own:-

"Never ever watch Child's Play alone at 2am
when you're brother happens to be sleepwalking."

Don't you simply miss those days? Of games, friends, fights, siblings.. Treasure your memories. Sometimes, they're all you need to keep you real.

have a good day everyone =)

p.s: McD fusion is the bomb! lol. thanks for the call and e-mail. Appreciate it loads.
p.p.s: Thanks Zoe and Michelle for the awesome overnight. *hugs*

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