Saturday, September 13, 2008

Malaysia Boleh!

The Constitution of Malaysia does not really recognise the right to privacy. However, it supposingly provides the right to have 'freedom of assembly, speech and movement'. And that's of you don't get detained by ISA lah..

ISA was originally enacted in the 1960's in response to Communist insurgency. At that period of time, i believe that its fair that such a law is enacted in order to stamp out the communist influence. However, this being almost 50 years later, why is it still being implemented? Are we afraid of our own countrymen (or women) that we'd use such harsh laws against our own people?

Or perhaps quoting the recent - and if i may say, unjustified - racist remarks:-
"I urge the Chinese not to become like the Jewish in America, where it is not enough that they control the economy, but they also want to dominate politics," said the now famous Ahmad Ismail.

Are we now operating the country based on race? Are we not supposed to be "bangsa malaysia" or whatever shit is it that they cram down our throat in Moral class in schools? Does talent or ability even matter anymore? Apparently not.

The one who made the remarks were suspended for 3 years. The one who merely reported the remark (hey, isn't that like, the whole point of the job?) was arrested without a trial by the ISA.

Am I allowed to laugh? Or is it a crime as well?

Mehh. We're now the laughing stock of the world. Awesome-nya..

Im so proud to be a Malaysian. We have such a democratic nation, amazing freedom of press, champions for the cause of human rights, and of course, who can forget the undeniable joy of reading local politics.

mereka boleh?

yarh. Malaysia juga boleh!


LeangFM said...

its all about choosing the "correct" side

if you r on the "right" side, u r allowed to talk anything u want

if you r on the "other" side, then u can still use ur Freedom of Speech as long as the speech does not offend the "balancing" side

thatz how our country define the Freedom of Speech

LynMay said...

We do have the freedom of speech, there is just no freedom after the speech..

Damn the government!

N!cky said...

freedom of speech = better not speak if we want freedom

N!cky said...

And one more item to be added in. Why isnt ahmad ismail detained by ISA?? he is the one who plot everything.

Anonymous said...

Even our dear Teresa Kok (DAP-Seputeh) has been detained. Someone please save Malaysia!

test said...

Bolehland *Freedom of speech* is to *kowtow* to present gov *advise*.Of course if u on their side.There is plenty of goodies to be shared.
But u on other opposite side , u may end M.I.A for 60 days, + 2 year, + 2year & +2 year in 9 x 9 thingy cell.
Even e female reporter is not spared.

wEtwEtwAtEr said...

SCrew all this rubbish!
Lets go for lunch! lol!

JC said...

wa... you do assignment until gila ISA?

Kev said...

well, the ISA will be there as long as the top people feel comfortable with it. they're not bothered if you and i don't like it.

after all. MALAYSIA SEMUA BOLEH bikin.

Freedom of thoughts without freedom of speech....sigh, pathetic.

Joseph Wan said...

hello sherry,
You are 100% correct with what's happening in the Malaysian scene. The judiciary system is questionable, the media is unreliable, and just because they can't shut a person from revealing the truth, ISA was used against him.
What shit!

Anonymous said...

haiz... thats malaysia...
Thats why i say you dont mess with pak lah in my blog:


Hurley said...

wah, so brave to post! No wonder can get top in innit deserve a salute girl!

Mike said...

ISA = Ikut Sukahati Aku

would i be arrested coz i said tat...

confessions of a medical student said...

our country needs better leaders... and perhaps a new system/belief...
they messed up everything... and then point fingers at one another.. manipulating the media, now, even the law.. aren't they ever tired?

Andrew said...

hahaha.... freedom of speech = no freedom after speech... LOL...

Simon Seow said...

Yupe. Inconsistent Shit Again.

古墓街第7号當鋪 said...

Macam-Macam pun adak......
Time to abolish the "ISA"

Tzy Wen said...

politics is not as transparent as you would like to think it is. when politicians do something there's usually something else behind it. most of the time it's money.

you know, if the government has done nothing wrong and they have nothing to hide, why use isa.

btw, the real meaning of isa=i simply arrest